Influence of Additives on Crystallization of Calcium Phosphates from Prototypes of Blood Plasma

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Golovanova OA*


The paper presents the results of studies on the effect of additives on crystallization in solutions simulating the composition of human blood plasma. Synthesis from prototypes of human blood plasma in the presence of organic and inorganic additives was carried out, and it was found that the obtained solid phases consisted of octacalcium phosphate, B-type carbonate hydroxyapatite, and vitlocite. The effect of additives (magnesium ions, alanine, and glycine) on the crystallization of calcium phosphates was studied. It was found that the presence of additives in the model solution reduces the crystallite size and the fraction of carbonate hydroxyapatite in the solid phase. The bioactivity of synthetic samples was studied, and kinetic characteristics were established. A study of thermal transformations.


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Article Details

OA, G. (2025). Influence of Additives on Crystallization of Calcium Phosphates from Prototypes of Blood Plasma. Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports, 11(4), 030–033. (Original work published November 8, 2024)
Research Articles

Copyright (c) 2024 Golovanova OA.

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