Association between Complicated Pneumonia and Viral Pericarditis in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report

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Ricardo Sánchez Algarín*
Dr. Angelica Mendoza
Dr. Patricia Romero Luzardo
Lupo Ramón Méndez Durán
Richard Germán Romero Ruiz



The coexistence of complicated pneumonia and viral pericarditis in a pediatric patient is a rare clinical scenario that presents diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. This case involves a 14-year-old adolescent who was admitted with symptoms of general discomfort, fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Initial evaluation revealed pulmonary parenchymal consolidation, an enlarged cardiac silhouette, and pleural effusion on radiographic imaging, leading to the initial diagnosis of complicated pneumonia. However, due to the clinical presentation and the finding of cardiomegaly, an echocardiogram was performed, confirming the diagnosis of pericarditis. Specific viruses (rhinovirus and enterovirus) were identified as the etiological agents. The combination of complicated pneumonia and viral pericarditis represents a significant clinical challenge that requires a comprehensive evaluation and a collaborative multidisciplinary approach.


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Article Details

Sanchez Algarin*, R., Mendoza Caballero, A. M., Romero Luzardo, P., Lupo Ramón Méndez Durán, & Richard Germán Romero Ruiz. (2025). Association between Complicated Pneumonia and Viral Pericarditis in a Pediatric Patient: Case Report. Global Journal of Medical and Clinical Case Reports, 018–021.
Case Reports

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Ricardo Sánchez Algarín*, Department of Pediatrics

Ricardo Andrés Sanchez Algarín, general practitioner from Universidad Libre of Barranquilla, specialist in Epidemiology from Universidad Autonoma of Bucaramanga, currently a 3nd year resident of the Pediatrics
Postgraduate Program at Universidad Simon Bolivar with a diploma in pediatric and neonatal intensive care.

Dr. Angelica Mendoza , Department of Pediatrics, Colombia

Angelica Maria Mendoza Caballero, doctor graduated from the Simón Bolivar University of Colombia, specialist in Pediatrics from the same institution and Master in clinical medicine from the University of Alcalá in Spain,

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