At the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology (JCMC), we hold a strong commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering global collaboration in the field of cardiovascular research. The core mission of the JCMC is to contribute to the global understanding of cardiovascular diseases, treatments, and innovations by making high-quality, peer-reviewed articles freely and widely accessible. We believe that open access is not only an ethical imperative but also a means to enhance the impact of scientific discoveries by eliminating financial and geographic barriers.

In an era where medical knowledge is advancing at an unprecedented pace, the need for unrestricted access to the latest research is more critical than ever. The JCMC's open access policy ensures that research findings are available to all interested parties, from clinicians and researchers to policymakers, patients, and the broader public. We recognize that access to knowledge is a fundamental right, and by making our content freely available, we aim to drive innovation, enhance clinical practice, and improve patient outcomes across the globe.

By removing subscription fees and paywalls, we enable a broader dissemination of critical research, ensuring that the latest advancements in cardiovascular medicine reach those who can benefit from them most. Our open access model fosters an inclusive environment for scientific dialogue, promotes interdisciplinary research, and allows healthcare professionals to make informed decisions based on the most current evidence. Furthermore, as a journal committed to ethical publishing practices, we adhere to the principles set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), ensuring transparency, accountability, and integrity throughout the publishing process.

Open Access Policy

The Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology (JCMC) is dedicated to operating under a Gold Open Access model, which ensures that all published articles are freely accessible to everyone, immediately upon publication, without the need for subscriptions or one-time payments. By adopting this model, we support the principles of open science, which advocate for the unrestricted sharing of research outputs, thereby accelerating scientific discovery and innovation.

Under this policy, all authors retain full copyright of their work while granting JCMC the right to distribute the content under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. The CC BY license is widely recognized as one of the most permissive forms of licensing, allowing others to share, adapt, and build upon the published work for any purpose, including commercial uses, as long as proper credit is given to the original author(s). This approach maximizes the visibility and impact of the research, ensuring that it reaches the widest possible audience and encouraging further research and development based on these findings.

The JCMC is committed to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed research that contributes to the field of cardiovascular medicine. We follow rigorous peer-review processes and adhere to best practices in research integrity, ensuring that all published articles meet the highest ethical and scientific standards. By aligning our policies with those of reputable organizations like COPE, we aim to uphold the principles of ethical publishing, foster transparency in research, and provide a platform for open, unbiased scientific dialogue.

Authors who publish with the JCMC benefit from the following:

  • Immediate and free access to their work for a global audience: This ensures that their research is visible and easily discoverable by a diverse and international community of researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and the public.
  • Increased citation potential: Studies have shown that open access articles are more likely to be cited compared to those behind paywalls, as they are accessible to a wider readership.
  • Rights retention: Authors retain the rights to their work and can freely share and disseminate it through various channels, including personal websites, institutional repositories, and social media platforms.
  • Compliance with institutional and funding body mandates: Many research funders and institutions require that the research they support be published under an open access model. By publishing with JCMC, authors ensure compliance with these mandates.

Commitment to Global Impact and Accessibility

The mission of JCMC is rooted in the belief that access to scientific knowledge should not be limited by financial or geographic constraints. As part of our commitment to global impact, we strive to ensure that cardiovascular research is accessible to all. Our open access model guarantees that anyone with an internet connection can read, download, and share articles published in our journal. This inclusivity is particularly important for clinicians, researchers, and students in low-resource settings, where access to subscription-based journals may be limited.

Moreover, our commitment to global accessibility is reflected in our editorial process, which welcomes submissions from researchers worldwide. We actively encourage contributions from diverse geographic regions and strive to ensure that the research published in JCMC reflects the global nature of cardiovascular health challenges. In this way, we aim to facilitate the cross-pollination of ideas and approaches across borders, driving forward the collective understanding of cardiovascular medicine.

Compliance with Global Data Privacy and Protection Standards

The JCMC takes privacy and data protection very seriously. As part of our open access model, we ensure compliance with global data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and the CAN-SPAM Act. These standards ensure that the personal data of authors, reviewers, editors, and readers is handled responsibly and transparently.

Our privacy policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect personal data. Authors, reviewers, and readers have the right to access, correct, and delete their personal information as per GDPR guidelines. We also ensure that personal data is never shared without explicit consent and that it is only used for legitimate purposes, such as manuscript processing, peer review, and journal communications.

By adhering to these regulations, we demonstrate our commitment to respecting the privacy of our stakeholders and fostering trust in our publishing process. Data security is of paramount importance, and we use industry-standard encryption and secure authentication measures to safeguard all data handled by our journal.

Adherence to Global Indexing and Ethical Standards

At JCMC, we recognize the importance of adherence to global indexing and ethical standards. As part of our ongoing efforts to achieve indexing in major databases such as DOAJ, JCR, PubMed, Web of Science, Scimago, and SCOPUS, we are committed to upholding the highest ethical standards in publishing. We adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follow rigorous peer-review processes to ensure the integrity and quality of the research we publish.

Ethical standards are embedded throughout the entire publication process at JCMC, from manuscript submission and peer review to post-publication corrections and retractions. We maintain a zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism, data manipulation, and unethical research practices. All manuscripts are screened for ethical compliance, and any concerns regarding research integrity are addressed in accordance with COPE guidelines.

We also ensure that the peer-review process is transparent, unbiased, and constructive, providing authors with meaningful feedback that enhances the quality of their work. By adhering to these ethical standards, we aim to build trust within the scientific community and ensure the journal's compliance with the requirements of leading indexing bodies.

Long-Term Preservation of Published Content

As part of our commitment to open access, the JCMC ensures the long-term preservation of all published content. Articles published in the journal are permanently archived in trusted digital repositories, guaranteeing that research remains accessible to future generations. This commitment to preservation is vital to the long-term availability of scientific knowledge and supports the broader goals of the open science movement.

We collaborate with preservation services and adhere to best practices in digital archiving to ensure that all published articles are protected against obsolescence, technological failure, and data loss. Our content is preserved using industry-standard archiving solutions such as Portico, ensuring that it will remain accessible and discoverable for the long term.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

In line with our Gold Open Access model, JCMC operates on a system of Article Processing Charges (APCs) to cover the costs associated with publishing, including editorial processes, peer review, technical infrastructure, and long-term preservation. While APCs allow us to maintain an open access platform without subscription fees, we are committed to transparency and fairness in our APC policies.

The APC for JCMC is set at $1849 USD per article. This fee applies only after a manuscript has been accepted for publication following a rigorous peer-review process. There are no submission fees, and authors are not charged until their article is approved for publication. We understand that APCs may present a financial challenge for some researchers, particularly those in low-resource settings, and we are committed to offering waivers or discounts on a case-by-case basis to ensure that financial constraints do not prevent high-quality research from being published.

Ethical Publishing and Peer Review

Ethical publishing is at the heart of JCMC’s mission. We adhere to the highest ethical standards in all aspects of the publication process, ensuring that authors, reviewers, and editors conduct themselves with integrity and transparency. As members of COPE, we are committed to following their ethical guidelines, including the handling of misconduct, plagiarism, and conflicts of interest.

Our peer-review process is designed to be fair, rigorous, and transparent. All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to each other. This ensures an unbiased evaluation of the manuscript based solely on its scientific merit. We encourage reviewers to provide constructive feedback and aim to make the review process as collaborative as possible. Authors are given the opportunity to respond to reviewer comments, and editorial decisions are made based on the overall quality of the manuscript and its contribution to the field of cardiovascular medicine.

In addition to ensuring scientific rigor, we prioritize the ethical treatment of research subjects and compliance with institutional review board (IRB) guidelines for studies involving human or animal subjects. We require authors to provide evidence of ethical approval and informed consent where applicable, ensuring that all research published in JCMC adheres to the highest ethical standards.

Compliance with International Privacy and Data Protection Laws

The Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology (JCMC) is committed to ensuring the privacy and protection of personal data in accordance with global standards. In a world where data breaches and privacy violations have become significant concerns, we take seriously our responsibility to protect the personal information of authors, reviewers, editors, and readers. As part of our open access model, we ensure that all personal data we collect, process, and store is handled with the utmost care and in compliance with international data protection laws, including but not limited to:

  • The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): The GDPR, which applies to all European Union (EU) member states, provides a robust framework for the protection of personal data. At JCMC, we are fully compliant with GDPR regulations, ensuring that personal data is processed lawfully, fairly, and transparently. This includes providing authors, reviewers, and readers with clear information about how their data will be used, offering them control over their data (including the right to request deletion, access, or corrections), and implementing security measures to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of data.
  • The CAN-SPAM Act: As part of our commitment to ethical communication, we ensure compliance with the CAN-SPAM Act, which regulates the use of commercial electronic messages in the United States. All communications from the JCMC, whether related to manuscript submissions, journal updates, or marketing purposes, contain clear opt-out mechanisms. Recipients of our emails are provided with the option to unsubscribe at any time, and we promptly honor all such requests to avoid sending unsolicited communications.
  • The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA): For readers, authors, and reviewers based in California, we ensure compliance with the CCPA. This regulation grants California residents specific rights over their personal data, including the right to know what personal data is being collected, the right to request the deletion of their data, and the right to opt out of the sale of their data. We respect these rights and provide a clear and transparent process for individuals to exercise them.
  • Other Global Privacy Standards: In addition to GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and CCPA, JCMC adheres to other global privacy frameworks, including the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and Brazil’s General Data Protection Law (LGPD). We continually update our privacy practices to ensure compliance with evolving regulations and to reflect the highest standards of data protection.

To further safeguard personal data, we implement industry-standard encryption protocols, secure authentication mechanisms, and regular security audits. We also ensure that third-party service providers involved in the publication process comply with the same data protection standards. By adhering to these regulations, we demonstrate our commitment to respecting the privacy of all stakeholders involved in the publication process and fostering trust within the scientific community.

Instructions for Authors, Reviewers, and Editors

As part of the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology’s (JCMC) open access and ethical publishing model, we have established clear guidelines for authors, reviewers, and editors to ensure a high standard of transparency, accountability, and quality in all stages of the publication process. These guidelines are designed to facilitate a smooth submission, review, and editorial process, while also ensuring compliance with international publishing standards and ethical practices.

1. Instructions for Authors:

  • Submission and Copyright: By submitting a manuscript to JCMC, authors agree to publish their work under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license, which allows for unrestricted access and reuse of their research. Authors retain copyright to their work, but grant JCMC the license to publish and disseminate it globally. This ensures that the research remains freely available, contributing to the advancement of cardiovascular medicine.
  • Ethical Standards and Research Integrity: Authors are required to submit original work that complies with ethical guidelines as outlined by COPE. Any form of plagiarism, data fabrication, or unethical research practices is strictly prohibited. Authors are also required to disclose any conflicts of interest and ensure that the research adheres to ethical standards, particularly when human or animal subjects are involved.
  • Data Protection: Authors must ensure that any personal data included in their research, such as patient information, has been obtained with informed consent and is handled in compliance with data protection laws, such as GDPR. Authors are encouraged to anonymize sensitive data where possible to protect the privacy of individuals.

2. Instructions for Reviewers:

  • Confidentiality: Reviewers play a critical role in the peer-review process, and their feedback is essential to maintaining the quality and integrity of JCMC publications. Reviewers are required to maintain strict confidentiality during the review process. Manuscripts should not be discussed or shared with anyone outside the review team, and reviewers must not use any information gained through the review process for personal or professional advantage.
  • Objective and Constructive Feedback: We encourage reviewers to provide clear, objective, and constructive feedback. The goal of peer review is to improve the quality of the manuscript, and reviewers should strive to offer detailed suggestions that can help authors refine their research. Personal bias or unsubstantiated criticisms should be avoided.
  • Ethical Responsibilities: Reviewers must disclose any conflicts of interest that could compromise the impartiality of their review. If a reviewer feels that they cannot provide an unbiased assessment, they should recuse themselves from the process.

3. Instructions for Editors:

  • Decision-Making Based on Merit: Editors are responsible for ensuring that the manuscripts selected for publication meet the highest standards of academic rigor and relevance. All decisions should be based on the scientific merit of the work, the quality of the research, and its relevance to the field of cardiovascular medicine. Editors must avoid any conflicts of interest in the decision-making process and should recuse themselves if such conflicts arise.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Editors should ensure that the review process is transparent and accountable. Any concerns about research integrity, such as suspected plagiarism, unethical research practices, or breaches of data protection laws, should be addressed promptly and in accordance with COPE guidelines.
  • Ethical Publishing: Editors are also responsible for upholding the ethical standards of the journal. This includes ensuring that manuscripts are processed in a timely manner, that peer reviewers are selected based on expertise and impartiality, and that authors receive clear and constructive feedback.

Benefits of Open Access

The benefits of open access are well-documented and have far-reaching implications for both the scientific community and society at large. At the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology (JCMC), we are proud to be part of the global movement toward open access publishing, and we are committed to ensuring that the research we publish reaches the widest possible audience.

  • Global Visibility and Reach: One of the most significant benefits of open access is that it allows research to be disseminated globally, without the restrictions of subscription paywalls. This is particularly important in the field of cardiovascular medicine, where timely access to new findings can inform clinical practice, influence healthcare policy, and drive further research. By making our content freely accessible, we ensure that researchers, healthcare professionals, and even patients can benefit from the latest advancements in cardiovascular science, regardless of their geographic location or financial resources.
  • Increased Citations and Academic Impact: Studies have consistently shown that open access articles are more likely to be cited than articles published behind paywalls. This is because open access articles are accessible to a broader audience, including researchers from developing countries and institutions with limited access to subscription-based journals. By publishing in an open access journal like JCMC, authors increase the visibility of their work, which in turn enhances its academic impact and increases the likelihood of it being cited in future research.
  • Collaboration and Innovation: Open access promotes collaboration across disciplines, institutions, and countries. By removing barriers to access, we encourage the free exchange of ideas and foster interdisciplinary research that can lead to new innovations and breakthroughs in cardiovascular care. Open access also facilitates collaboration between academia and industry, enabling faster translation of research into practical applications and medical treatments.
  • Ethical and Social Responsibility: Open access aligns with the principles of equity and social justice, as it ensures that research findings are accessible to all, not just those who can afford to pay for subscriptions. This is particularly important in the field of medicine, where access to the latest research can have a direct impact on patient care and health outcomes. By making our content freely available, we contribute to the democratization of knowledge and fulfill our ethical responsibility to share the benefits of scientific discovery with society as a whole.
  • Long-Term Archiving and Preservation: All content published in JCMC is archived and preserved in trusted digital repositories, ensuring that it remains accessible to future generations of researchers. This commitment to long-term preservation ensures that the knowledge generated today will continue to benefit the scientific community for years to come. Through our partnerships with digital preservation services, we guarantee that our content remains accessible even in the event of technological changes or disruptions.
  • Immediate Availability: Unlike traditional publishing models, where articles may be delayed by lengthy subscription processes, open access articles are made available immediately upon publication. This ensures that the latest research is disseminated as soon as possible, allowing healthcare professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest advancements and apply new knowledge in clinical practice without delay.

In summary, the Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology is committed to the principles of open access and the benefits it brings to authors, researchers, clinicians, and society. By providing free, unrestricted access to high-quality research, we aim to contribute to the global advancement of cardiovascular medicine and improve patient outcomes on a global scale.