Tetrahydrobiopterin Concentrations in Normal and Coronary Artery Diseased Heart Tissue

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Erland Arning
Brian D Lowes
Matthew RG Taylor
Xingli Meng
Raphael Schiffmann*
Teodoro Bottiglieri


Background: Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is a cofactor that plays a major role in cardiovascular health and disease. BH4 levels in the human heart have not been previously reported.

Objective and Methods: Using a novel LC-MS/MS method we measured BH4 and BH2 levels in human heart tissue from subjects with (n=19) and without (n=19) coronary artery disease (CAD).

Results: The concentration of BH4 was significantly lower in CAD subjects compared to controls (p=0.0006). There was a trend for a decrease in BH4/BH2 ratio (p=0.09). mRNA expression of GCH1NOS3 and <emqdpr< em="">was not significantly different between CAD and controls.</emqdpr<>

Conclusions: We conclude that the decrease in BH4 concentration in the left ventricular wall of subjects with CAD may be a causative factor or consequence of the failing heart.


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Article Details

Arning, E., Lowes, B. D., Taylor, M. R., Meng, X., Schiffmann, R., & Bottiglieri, T. (2016). Tetrahydrobiopterin Concentrations in Normal and Coronary Artery Diseased Heart Tissue. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, 3(1), 014–017. https://doi.org/10.17352/2455-2976.000023
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