Historical Evolution of Surgery for Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA)

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Suraj Wasudeo Nagre*


The history of surgery for transposition of great arteries (TGA) has paralleled the history of cardiac surgery. In fact, it began before the birth of open heart surgery when the palliative Blalock-Hanlon septectomy was first performed in 1948. The atrial switch, which was an attempt to correct the physiology of transposition, had significant shortcomings. The arterial switch sought to address them. This has emerged as an anatomically as well as physiologically appropriate solution. This review traces the various milestones in this perpetual journey.


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Article Details

Nagre, S. W. (2016). Historical Evolution of Surgery for Transposition of Great Arteries (TGA). Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, 3(2), 026–029. https://doi.org/10.17352/2455-2976.000026
Research Article(s)

Copyright (c) 2016 Nagre SW.

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