The prevalence, clinical profile and surgical outcomes of children presenting with vascular ring and pulmonary sling

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Chinawa JM*
Agarwal V
Garekar S
Gaikwad S
Trivedi B


Background: Vascular anomalies are rare abnormalities which present with inspiratory stridor and recurrent respiratory tract infection. They are the commonest causes of mortality and morbidity in children due to misdiagnosis. They comprise about less than 4% of congenital heart diseases. The commonest of these anomalies were vascular ring and pulmonary sling.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence, pattern of presentation and surgical outcomes of children presenting with vascular ring and pulmonary sling.

Methods: A cross-sectional retrospective study in which a review of the records of all children attending Fortis hospital over a 3-year period (2012- and 2015) was undertaken.

Data were analyzed using SPSS 20. Frequencies, rates and proportions were represented in tables. Children with confirmed diagnosis of vascular rings and pulmonary slings are included while other causes of stridor were excluded from this study.

Result: A total of 1200 children had open heart surgery in the hospital over a three-year period. Of these, 2 had vascular ring and 3 had pulmonary sling giving a prevalence of 0.4%. Out of the 5 cases, 3 (60 %) were male and 2 (40%) female. Male to female ratio was 1.5:1. The mean age of presentation was 2.46± 3.52 months. There were three neonates and two infants. All presented with stridor. The mean number of days spent postoperatively was 8±3 days and tracheal stenosis was the only complication noted.

Computerized axial tomography (CT) scan of one of the subjects with vascular ring showed a dilated Kommerells diverticulum (KD).

Conclusion: Vascular ring and pulmonary sling are rare congenital abnormalities seen in our center, early identification and repair will help avert numerous complications that follow it.


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Article Details

JM, C., V, A., S, G., S, G., & B, T. (2018). The prevalence, clinical profile and surgical outcomes of children presenting with vascular ring and pulmonary sling. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, 5(4), 067–072.
Research Article(s)

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