The New Carotid Braided Stent CASPERTM RX. Single center experience in 50 cases

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Cabral de Andrade G*
Lesczynski A
Clímaco VM
Pereira ER


Purpose: Carotid stenosis, as well as dissections and pseudo dissecting aneurysms are etiological factors of Ischemic stroke. A new braided double-layer Nickel titanium Stent CASPERTMRX has super elasticity, shape-memory properties, combined with re-sheathable and repositionable, improving placement accuracy in a closed cell with flow diversion capability. To evaluate in clinical implant behavicor of in many different pathologies.

Materials and methods: It was implanted 53 CASPER-RX stents in 50 lesions (average age of 67 years; 29 men and 21 women) in different pathologies, high-grade symptomatic internal carotid artery stenosis in 43(86%) patients; and dissection in 7(4%) being: 4 dissecting pseudo aneurysms, 2 sub endothelial spontaneous dissections and 1 sub endothelial iatrogenic dissection. In all patients we used dual antiplatelet therapy, before treatment.

Results: Technical success achieved in all patients and complication rate (4%) and a 0% rate of neurological complications at 30 days. No stroke minor or restenosis after 6 months ultrasound or CT Scan examination FU.

Conclusion: CASPER™RX Stent conforms to tortuous anatomy, good wall apposition and a good conformation in tapered ICA-CCA segments in re sheathable delivery system. The very closed cells have a good result as a flow diverter. Technical success was achieved in all patients without clinical complications. However, we need long-term follow up to better assess the efficiency of this new device.


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Article Details

G, C. de A., A, L., VM, C., & ER, P. (2020). The New Carotid Braided Stent CASPERTM RX. Single center experience in 50 cases. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, 7(2), 129–135.
Research Article(s)

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