Impaired cardiopulmonary test performance as a marker of early functional impairment in patients with Anderson-Fabry disease

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Sergio Caravita*
Ilaria Tanini
Lia Crotti
Claudia Baratto
Gianfranco Parati
Francesco Fattirolli
Iacopo Olivotto
Franco Cecchi


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Article Details

Caravita, S., Tanini, I., Crotti, L., Baratto, C., Parati, G., Fattirolli, F., Olivotto, I., & Cecchi, F. (2021). Impaired cardiopulmonary test performance as a marker of early functional impairment in patients with Anderson-Fabry disease. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, 8(4), 069–071.
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