Dear Sir/Madam,

The Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology (JCMC) invites you to submit manuscripts for consideration in this scholarly journal. The journal welcomes research papers, reviews, reports and other manuscript within the interdisciplinary scope of JCMC.

Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology is supported and reviewed by an eminent group of editors and reviewers in the field. The board is composed of well published scholars and authorities to assist you in communicating your findings in the most appropriate way possible. For more details on Editorial Board and Reviewer Board, please visit the following links:

The Editorial Board oversees the stringent multi-level Peer-Review process including evaluating submissions, selecting reviewers and assessing their comments and making the final editorial decisions and recommendations to potential authors.

In addition to relatively rapid and constructive peer-reviews, JCMC also provides the following benefits: 1) DOI number for every published manuscript; 2) Augmenting collection of free-to-read publications; 3) Indexing on reputed platforms; 4) Stringent peer-review process with eminent scholars; 5) Reduced processing fees for authors with demonstrated financial needs; 6) Promotional points for your articles on the basis of yearly citations.

I look forward to answering any unanswered questions you may have and invite you to submit your current research to the journal. Do not hesitate to contact me with any other questions.

Best regards,

Saurabh R
Managing Editor
Editorial Office - Peertechz Publications
Tel: +1 (213) 457-3630
10880 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1101, Los Angeles, California, 90024, USA